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October 23 Celebration of Saints

October 23 Celebration of Saints


Saint John of Capistrano

Franciscan friar and priest Saint John of Capistrano was born on June 24, 1386 in Capestrano, Italy.

In 1614, at the age of 28, John was accepted by the Order of Friars Minor at Perugia, Italy. He thrived in the environment of austerity and strict asceticism.

He began to preach in 1620 and eventually became a well-known speaker. He preached to large crowds throughout central and northern Europe.

John of Capistrano often performed diplomatic missions for popes Eugene IV, Nicholas V and others. He also coordinated the Observant Reform movement among the Order of Friars Minor.

In 1454, Pope Callixtus III sent John of Capistrano to inspire a European crusade against the invading Ottoman Empire.

By 1856 John was able to enlist enough troops to march on Belgrade and in the summer of 1456 the soldiers, some led by John, defeated the siege of Turks from Belgrade. For that accomplishment he became known as the Soldier Priest.

After the battle, John of Capistrano fell ill to the bubonic plague. He passed away on October 23, 1456 in the town of Ilok, Croatia.

Read more about Saint John of Capistrano. 


Other Saints for Today

Other saints for this day include:

Saint Allucio, Saint Amo, Blessed Arnold Reche, Saint Benedict of Sebaste, Saint Clether, Saint Elfleda, Saint John of Syracuse, Saint Leothade, Saint Maroveus, Saint Oda, Saint Paul Tong Buong, Saint Romanus of Rouen, Saints Servandus & Cermanus, Saint Severinus Boethius, Saint Theodoret of Antioch, Blessed Thomas Thwing and Saint Verus.

Saint John of Capistrano

Johannes Capistranus by Fränkisch-Bambergische Tafelmalerei, public domain