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December 2 Celebration of Saints

December 2 Celebration of Saints


Saint Bibiana

Saint Bibiana, also known as Viviana or Vivian, was born in the fourth century in Rome to parents Flavian and Dafrosa.

It should be noted that she is not the same saint as third-century Saint Vibiana, the patron saint of the Archdiocese of Los Angeles.

Bibiana lived in a time when Christians were persecuted in Rome. As a young woman, still a virgin, she was tortured and killed for her faith. 

In the century after her death, Pope Simplicius built the Basilica of the Holy Martyr Bibiana to inter her remains, near the Horti Liciniani gardens in Rome.

The attributes of her image may include a her with a column, a scourge (whip) with leaded thongs, the branch of a tree and a dagger.

Saint Bibiana is the patron saint of epilepsy and epileptics, hangovers, headaches, insanity, mental illness, mentally ill people, single laywomen and torture victims.


Other Saints for Today

Other saints and the blessed beatified for this day include:

Saint Chromatius, Saint Eusebius, Saint Evasius, Blessed Ivan Sleziuk, Saint Lupus of Verona, Blessed Maria Angela Astorch and Saint Pontian.

Saint Bibiana by Gian Lorenzo Bernini

Saint Bibiana by Gian Lorenzo Bernini

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