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December 4 Celebration of Saints

December 4 Celebration of Saints


Saint John of Damascus

Saint John of Damascus, also known as Saint John Damascene, was born in the city of Damascus (now Syria) five years after the death of the prophet Mohammed, circa 657 AD.

Although Damascus had been a Muslim city for 20 years, at the time of John’s birth Christians were still allowed there. They were required to pay a tax to the Caliph of Damascus, but were allowed to worship.

John’s father was the controller of revenues for the caliph, and when his father died John took that position.

Around the year 700, John gave away all of his money and joined the Mar Saba monastery (founded by Saint Saba) near Jerusalem.

Monks at Mar Saba lived alone in a hut, only coming together for worship and other group activities. He spent much of his time there in creative endeavors, writing poems, hymns and theological works.

Patriarch John V removed John from the hermitage and ordained him a priest. But soon after, not wanting another administrative life, John returned to Mar Saba.

One of John’s main accomplishments was to defend the representation of religious images (saints) against the Muslims and “Iconoclast” Christians who were opposed to them.

He wrote fervently about the importance of religious images of people, in preserving traditions and in worship of the Holy Trinity.

His compilation of Christian thought on the subject strengthened the Eastern Church during that time of crisis. Although his influence grew slowly, his writings on philosophy, law and philosophy are now considered to be main treatises of Christian ideological doctrine.

John’s writings on the sanctity of images were key inputs to the resolution of the issue, which occurred in 787 at the Second Council of Nicaea.

His poetry, hymns and music are also influencial works in the Catholic, Eastern Orthodox and Protestant churches, and his defense of images is one reason why saints’ images continue to exist today.

Saint John of Damascus died on December 4, 749 at Mar Saba. He was canonized a saint pre-congregation in the Catholic and Eastern Orthodox churches.

In 1890, Pope Leo XIII named John of Damascus a Doctor of the Church, in large part because of his writings on the Assumption of Mary.

Saint John Damascene is patron saint of theology students, icon painters and pharmacists. The attributes of his image include an icon and a severed hand.


Other Saints for Today

Other saints and the blessed beatified for this day include:

Saint Abba Isa, Saint Ada, Saint Anno, Saint Bernard degli Uberti, Saint Bertoara, Saint Clement of Alexandria, Saint Felix of Bologna, Saint Francis Galvez, Saint Giovanni Calabria, Blessed Jerome de Angelis, Saint Maruthas, Saint Meletius, Saint Osmund of Salisbury, Saint Theophanes and Companions.

Saint John of Damascus

Saint John of Damascus, public domain

Saint John of Damascus

Saint John of Damascus, public domain