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November 10 Celebration of Saints

November 10 Celebration of Saints


Saint Andrew Avellino

Saint Andrew Avellino was born Lancelotto Avellino in the small town of Castronuovo, Italy in 1521.

He studied humanities and philosophy in Venice before going to Naples to study civil and canon law and received a Doctor of Laws degree at the age of 26. That same year he was ordained a priest.

He was an attorney at the ecclesiastical court in Naples before the archbishop asked him to reform a convent there. With much difficulty he was able to reform the convent, but not without being seriously injured in an assault. 

While recuperating in the monastery of the Theatines, he decided to devote his life to God and entered the Theatines monastery, which had only recently been formed by Saint Cajetan

At the age of 35, he was invested on the Vigil of the Assumption in 1556 and took the name of Andrew to honor the apostle Andrew.

He completed his novitiate and was made master of novices, a post he held for 10 years. He was then elected superior of the monestary.

The monastery general was so impressed with his discipline and religious purity that he asked him to found Theatine houses in Milan and Piacenza. Following that he was involved in the establishment of many more houses in various parts of Italy.

Through the success of those houses and his preaching, Andrew attracted many disciples. Also, during that time his close friend Saint Charles Borromeo sought his advice regarding the affairs of the church.

Throughout the years, while busy being the superior of houses, preaching, hearing confessions and visiting the ill and infirmed Andrew wrote seven volumes of ascetical works that were published in 1731 and 1734.

On November 10, 1608, he suffered a stroke while beginning the celebration of Holy Mass. He received the last rites before passing away that day at the age of 88. His remains are at the Naples Church of Saint Paul

Saint Andrew Avellino is invoked for protection of stroke victims and against a sudden death. He is the patron saint of Naples and Sicily.


Other Saints for Today

Other saints for this day include:

Saint Aedh MacBricc, Saint Baudolino, Saint Demetrius, Saint Elaeth, Saint Guerembaldus, Saint John of Ratzeburg, Saint Justus of Canterbury, Saint Leo the Great, Saint Leo of Melun, Saint Monitor, Saint Nonnus, Saint Theotiste of Lesbos, Saint Tiberius, Saints Tryphena and Tryphosa and Saint Tryphon.

Ayudame San Judas