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November 17 Celebration of Saints

November 17 Celebration of Saints


Saint Pope Dionysius of Alexandria

Saint Dionysius was born into a wealthy polytheistic (multi-religion) family sometime near the turn of the third century.

He was an avid reader who studied religion and theology, and as a young man he converted to Christianity after receiving a vision from God.

Dionysius continued his studies at the Catechetical School of Alexandria and in 231 he became the head of the school and the minister of the church.

Dionysius became Pope on December 28, 248 and was one of the most influential Popes of the 3rd century.

During his papacy a persecution occurred, and he was targeted by an assassin. He escaped to the Libyan desert until the persecution ended the following year.

In the year 251 he defended his belief that Eucharist of last rites should be available to anyone, including those who had lapsed during the persecution.

Dionysius and other clergy helped to care for the sick and suffering after a plague struck the region in 252.

After that, the persecutions began again, and Dionysius was thrown in prison and then exiled from the country. After a change in leadership, Emperor Gallienus released imprisoned believers and sent a letter to Dionysius and other church leaders that they were safe to return and resume their duties.

In 255 Dionysius opposed a “millennium” movement. Based on the scripture of Chapter 20 of Revelations, they interpreted it literally to believe that a thousand years of “bodily luxury” had begun. Dionysius refuted those claims by citing the writings of the apostles in the New Testament.

Dionysius continued to serve as Pope until his death on March 22, 264. He was buried at the Church of the Cave in Alexandria.


Other Saints for Today

Other saints for this day include:

Saint Acisclus, Saint Alphaeus, Saint Anianus, Saint Eugene, Saint Gregory Thaumaturgus, Saint Hilda of Whitby, Saint Hugh of Noara, Martyrs of Paraguay, Saint Namasius, Saint Roque Gonzalez de Santa Cruz, Blessed Salomea of Poland, Saints Valentine and Dubatatius.

Saint Pope Dionysius

Saint Pope Dionysius of Alexandria, public domain