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November 25 Celebration of Saints

Master of the Legend of Saint Lucy

Master of the Legend of Saint Lucy (Saint Catherine is in the throne), public domain

November 25 Celebration of Saints


Saint Catherine of Alexandria

Saint Catherine of Alexandria, also known as Saint Catherine of the Wheel, was born in the year 287 in Alexandria, Roman Egypt. She was the daughter of the governor of Alexandria.

Catherine was a studious child, and as a young teenager a vision of the Virgin Mary and Jesus convinced her to become a Christian.

The story of the life and trials of Saint Catherine begins at the time when Emperor Maxentius rose to power and began a persecution of Christians.

Catherine challenged his cruelty, and he summoned 50 secular philosophers to refute her beliefs. She won the debate, convincing many to convert to Christianity, although Maxentius then had them executed.

Maxentius ordered Catherine to be imprisoned. She was tortured until blood flowed through various parts of her body. But as she was being publicly tortured she had no response to the pain, making no movements other than turning her eyes upward toward heaven.

Maxentius then tried to starve Catherine to death by depriving her of food. But according to legend the angels salved her wounds, a heavenly dove provided her with sustenance and she was visited by Jesus, who showed his support of her bravery and promised her a crown of eternal glory.

Hundreds came to visit Catherine during her imprisonment, including the emperor’s wife. She would convert them to Christianity, and then Maxentius would have them executed for their faith.

It is said that in the year 305, when Catherine was 17, Maxentius realized that he would not break Catherine through his attempts to torture and starve her, so he proposed marriage. Catherine denied him, saying that she was married to Jesus Christ and had devoted her virginity to him.

Enraged, Maxentius ordered the execution of Catherine. They first tried to kill her on a spiked wheel, but when she touched the wheel it broke into pieces. She was then beheaded.

According to legend, angels carried the body of Catherine to the top of a high mountain. Monks found her there more than 500 years later, and her body was incorrupt and exuding a perfumed oil that caused many miracles.

Her body is interred at Saint Catherine’s Monastery in Egypt.

More than a millenium after her death, Catherine appeared as a counsel to Saint Joan of Arc.

Attributes of the image of Saint Catherine of Alexandria a wheel, a sword, a crown at her feet, a dove, a book, and a bridal veil and ring.

Saint Catherine of Alexandria is one of the 14 Holy Helpers and the patron saint of girls, archivists, dying people, educators, jurists, lawyers, librarians, mechanics, hat makers, nurses, philosophers, clergy, scholars, scribes, stenographers, secretaries, theologians and potters.


Other Saints for Today

Other saints and the blessed beatified for this day include:

Saint Alnoth, Saint Imma, Saint Jucunda, Saint Mesrop, Saint Moses and Saint Peter of Alexandria.

Saint Catherine by Bernardo Luini

Saint Catherine by Bernardo Luini, public domain

Catherine of Alexandria by Carlo Crivelli

Catherine of Alexandria by Carlo Crivelli, public domain