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November 26 Celebration of Saints

November 26 Celebration of Saints

Saint John Berchmans

November 26 was the feast day of Saint John Berchmans until 1969, when it was changed to August 13. Read more about Saint John Berchmans. 


Saint Conrad of Constance

Conrad of Constance was born into the wealthy and influential Welf family in the year 900 in what is now Germany.

After studying at the Cathedral school in Constance, he was appointed provost of the Cathedral.

Conrad became the Bishop of Constance in 934. As bishop, he established a hospital and several churches in the region. He also made several pilgimages to Jerusalem and Rome.

It is said that one time when Conrad was celebrating mass, a spider dropped into the chalice. At the time, people did not know much about spiders and generally considered them to be poisonous and deadly. Despite this, Conrad drank from the chalice and was unharmed.

Conrad of Constance died on November 26, 975. He was canonized a saint by Pope Calixtus II during the first Lateran Council in 1123.

Attributes that may be found in his images include a bishop holding a book and staff, and a bishop holding a chalice with a spider over (or in) it.


Other Saints for Today

Other saints and the blessed beatified for this day include:

Saint Alypius, Saint Amator, Saint Basolus, Saint Bellinus, Saint Dominic Doan Xuyen, Saint Faustus, Blessed Gaetana Sterni, Saint Leonard of Port Maurice, Saint Martin of Arades, Saint Nicon the Metanoeite, Saint Phileas and Saint Siricius.

Saint John Berchmans