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November 29 Celebration of Saints

November 29 Celebration of Saints


 Saint Saturnin of Toulouse

Saint Saturnin of Toulouse was born in the 3rd century in Patras, Greece.

Saturnin was the first bishop of Toulouse. He was one of seven apostles sent by the Pope to the French people of Gaul at a time when the persecution of Christians had decimated Christian communities there.

It is said that there was a pagan altar that Saturnin had to pass on his way to the church. When he was in the area the altar’s oracles (believed to be spirits that spoke to them) became silent.

The pagan priests believed the presence of Saturnin silenced the oracles. In the year 257 they abducted him in an attempt to compel him to make a sacrifice before the oracles. He steadfastly refused.

Because of this, the pagan priests had Saturnin tied by the feet to a bull that dragged him as it ran through the streets. The rope finally broke at a location now called Matabiau – “Mata,” to kill, and “Biau,” bull. It is on the Rue de Taur, the Street of the Bull, a street that goes between the Capital of Toulouse to the Basilica of Saint Saturnin (Sernin).

Saint Saturnin was canonized a saint pre-congregation. The attributes of his image may include a bull and a bishop’s hat (mitre).



Other Saints for Today

Other saints and the blessed beatified for this day include:

Saint Brendan of Birr, Blessed Dionysius, Saint Egelwine, Saint Francis Fasani, Saint Gulstan, Saint Hardoin, Saint Illuminata, Saint Paramon and Companions, Saint Radbod of Utrecht, Saint Sadwen and Saint Sisinius.

The Martyrdom of Saint Saturnin

The Martyrdom of Saint Saturnin, public domain