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November 6 Celebration of Saints

St Peter and St. Leonard (Linhart), public domain

Saint Peter and Saint Leonard (Linhart), public domain.

November 6 Celebration of Saints


Saint Leonard of Noblac

Leonard of Noblac was a nobleman born in the region that is now France circa 470 AD. The exact year and date of his birth are not known.

Leonard was a noble in the court of Clovis I when he was converted to Christianity in 496 by the Bishop of Reims, Saint Remigius.

Leonard requested that Clovis I grant him the power to release prisoners he felt were worthy of being liberated. As such, he was able to free many prisoners from their confinement.

Leonard left the court of Clovis I to enter the monastary at Micy (near Orléans). The monastery was led by Saints Mesmin and Lie.

He lived the life of a hermit in the Limousin Forest and began to attract followers.

The Queen of the Franks granted him land and he established an abbey at Noblac. The village grew and was eventually renamed in his honor, Saint-Léonard-de-Noblat.

It is said that prisoners who invoked his name would be freed from their chains, and they brought those chains to Leonard. He in turn donated some of his forest land so the ex-prisoners could clear it and earn an honest living by growing crops.

Saint Leonard died in 559 AD.

The attributes of his image may include an abbot holding chains, locks or manacles. He is the patron saint of women in labor, prisoners and captives, including political prisoners and prisoners of war.


Other Saints for Today

Other saints for this day include:

Blessed Anthony Baldinucci, Saint Atticus, Saint Barlaam, Saint Demetrian, Saint Edwen, Saint Efflam, Saint Erlafrid, Saint Felix of Fondi, Saint Felix of Thynissa, Saint Illtyd, Blessed Josefa Naval Girbes, Saint Joseph Khang, Saint Leonard of Reresby, Saint Leonianus, Blessed Martyrs of Astoria during Spanish Civil War, Saint Pinnock, Saint Romulus of Genoa, Saint Winoc.

Saint Peter, Saint Martha, Saint Mary Magdalene, and Saint Leonard (Correggio), public domain

Saint Peter, Saint Martha, Saint Mary Magdalene, and Saint Leonard (Correggio), public domain.