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November 8 Celebration of Saints

November 8 Celebration of Saints


Saint Pope Adeodatus I

Saint Pope Adeodatus, also known as Pope Deusdedit or Deodatus I, was born in Rome in the year 570 AD.

He served as a priest for decades before being elected pope on October 19, 615.

After becoming pope, Adeodatus reformed the administrative personnel of the Holy See by choosing priests to replace monks who had been installed by his predecessor Pope Boniface IV.

He is remembered as the first pope to affix a lead seal, known as bullae, to papal documents. In time the seals became known as “papal bulls,” a tradition that continues today.

Rome was shaken by an earthquake in August 618, followed by a leprosy outbreak. Pope Adeodatus coordinated the efforts to care for the sick and those affected by the earthquake.

Adeodatus died later that year, on November 8, 618.


Other Saints for Today

Other saints for this day include:

Saint Castorius, Saint Cybi, Blessed Elizabeth of the Trinity, The Four Crowned Martyrs, Saint John Baptist Con, Saint Joseph Nghi, Blessed Maria Crucified Satellico, Saint Martin Tho, Saint Martin Tinh, Saint Moroc, Saint Paul Ngan, Saint Tysilio, Saint Willehad of Bremen and Saint Wiomad.

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