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October 24 Celebration of Saints

Saint Anthony Mary Claret, public domain

Saint Anthony Mary Claret, public domain

October 24 Celebration of Saints


Saint Anthony Mary Claret

Saint Anthony Mary Claret was born on December 23, 1807 in Barcelona, Spain.

In 1829, he entered the Diocesan seminary at Vic. He took his vows as a priest on June 13, 1835. He received a position in his home parish and continued to study theology until 1839.

He was an archbishop and confessor to Queen Isabella II of Spain, wrote 144 books and founded the Claretians – the Congregation of the Missionary Sons of the Immaculate Heart of Mary.

Claret also worked to establish other orders in addition to hospitals, schools, libraries and museums. He was a champion for the poor and the underprivileged.

Anthony Mary Claret died on October 24, 1870 at the age of 62. His remains were buried at Vic and in 1897 were transferred to the mission house there. During the disinterment it was reported that his heart was incorrupt.

Pope Leo XIII declared Anthony Maria Claret venerable in 1899. He was beatified by Pope Pius XI in 1934 and canonized a saint by Pope Pius XII on May 7, 1950.

Read more about Saint Anthony Mary Claret.


Other Saints for Today

Other saints for this day include:

Saint Bernard of Calvo, Saint Cadfarch, Saint Evergislus, Saint Fromundus, Saint Joseph Thi, Saint Marcius, Saint Martin of Vertou, Martyrs of Nagran, Saint Senoch.

Saint John of Capistrano

Johannes Capistranus by Fränkisch-Bambergische Tafelmalerei, public domain