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Saint Alphonsus Rodriguez

Saint Alphonsus Rodriguez

Saint Alphonsus Rodriguez

Born: July 25, 1532 in Segovia, Spain

Died: October 31, 1617 in Palma, Majorca, Spain

Beatified: 1825 by Pope Leo XII

Canonized: September 1888 by Pope Leo XIII

Feast day: October 30


Jesuit lay brother Saint Alphonsus Rodríguez, S.J., was born on July 25, 1532 in Segovia, Spain.

On January 31, 1571, at age 40, he was accepted as a lay brother in the Society of Jesus. After six months of service he was sent to the college at Majorca, where he would spend the next 46 years as a porter in the porter’s house.

As a porter he met many people and was known for giving information and advice to visitors, and alms to the poor. He took his final vows at age 54, in 1585.

Alphonsus subjected himself to extreme body mortifications and was known for his absolute obedience. He also held a deep devotion to the Immaculate Conception of Mary.

As his reputation grew, his Jesuit superiors noted the positive effect he had on the townspeople and he was often asked to give a sermon on the feast days of saints.

Saint Alphonsus died at the age of 85 on October 31, 1617. He was beatified in 1825 by Pope Leo XII and was canonized a saint in September 1888 by Pope Leo XIII.


Source: Wikipedia 

Saint Alphonsus Rodriguez