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Saint John Berchmans

Saint John Berchmans

Born: March 13, 1599 in Diest, Seventeen Provinces (now Belgium)

Died: August 13, 1621 (aged 22) in Rome, Papal States

Beatified: May 28, 1865 by Pope Pius IX

Canonized: January 15, 1888 by Pope Leo XIII

Feast day: August 13 (Until 1969, it was November 26)

Attributes: He is depicted with hands clasped, holding his crucifix, his book of rules and his rosary.

Patronage: Students, altar servers and Jesuit scholars


Saint John Berchmans was born on March 13, 1599 in the city of Diest, located in what is now the country of Belgium.

After primary school, John worked as a household servant to earn money so he could continue his studies.

At the age of 16, he enrolled in a newly founded Jesuit college in the city of Malines in 1615. When John wrote his parents that he wanted to join the Order of Jesus, his father would not allow it and instead sent him to Malines’ Franciscan convent.

But Berchmans persisted, and his father then threatened to cut off all financial support.

Still not dissuaded from his plan, John entered the Order of Jesus as a Jesuit novitiate in September of 1616. He was remembered there as being a very kind and friendly person.

John took his first vows in January of 1618 and began studying philosophy in the city of Antwerp. From there he continued his philosophy studies for three years in Rome.

He became known for his piousness, and in particular a special devotion to the Mother of God and a deep sense of thankfulness for the most common of things.

In his third year of study in 1621 he was selected to participate in a discussion of philosophy at the Greek College in Rome. He opened the discussion with clear and deep thoughts on the topics being discussed.

But after the discussion John became ill with the Roman fever, causing him to be feverish and have fatigue, lung congestion and dysentery.

Brother John Berchmans succumbed to the illness and died on August 13, 1621 at the age of 22. That same year, a nobleman sent a letter to Pope Gregory XV, asking him to start the beatification process for Berchmans.

John Berchmans was beatified in 1865 by Pope Pius IX and canonized a saint in 1888 by Pope Leo XIII. He is the patron saint of students, Jesuit scholars and altar servers.

Saint John Berchmans