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Saint Jude Thaddeus

Saint Jude - San Judas
San Judas Tadeo - Saint Jude Thaddeus

Saint Jude Thaddeus

Born: 1st century AD

Died: 65 AD

Canonized: Pre-congregation

Feast day: October 28

Attributes: Axe, club, boat, oar, medallion

Patronage: Lost causes, desperate situations, hospitals


Saint Jude Thaddeus is well known for the many miracles he has granted for the faithful who pray to him for assistance. He is the patron saint of desperate cases and lost causes, so many times people pray to him for intercession as a last resort.

The name Jude is from the Hebrew language, meaning “praises to God.” He is not to be confused with Judas Iscariot, another disciple who betrayed Jesus.

Saint Jude Thaddeus was a cousin of Jesus Christ. His father Cleopas was the brother of Saint Joseph, and his mother Mary of Cleopas was the cousin of the Virgin Mary.

The saint wears a green robe as a symbol of hope and renewal. As the springtime brings new greenness, life and renewal, so does his intercession to give desperate cases a new sense of hope and renewal.

Jude is often portrayed with a flame on his head. This represents that he was present at the Pentecost, when the Holy Spirit descended upon the disciples in Jerusalem while they were celebrating the Feast of Weeks. The Pentecost is celebrated 50 days after Easter Sunday.

He is also commonly portrayed with a medallion of Jesus Christ on his chest, the Image of Edessa.

Saint Jude was martyred in Persia (present-day Iran) in the year 65 AD, along with Saint Simon. His remains rest in Saint Peter’s Basilica in Rome.